
How to Choose an Authentic Louis Vuitton Handbag

If you are looking for a handbag of classic elegance and hip style Louis Vuitton is the bag for you. LV began in the mid 18th century and has dominated the handbag and accessory market ever since. Their popularity has made them one of the most copied trade mark ever. So when purchasing a LV make sure you are getting the real thing.

First, you want to make sure your bag is made of the finest quality materials, with excellent workmanship. The tan leather trim must be the finest oxidizing leather and the metal trim is always the highest quality metal.

Secondly, you want to make sure your bag is properly marked on the inside, with the leather tab with the style number on it. All stitching on a Louis Vuitton Bag is always properly done. All damages are destroyed.

Next, Louis Vuitton bags are always made from one continuous piece of fabric so on one side the LV'S will be upside down. If all of the LV's are straight up your bag is a fake so this is a good way to teel if you have the real thing or not.

Then, if you are buying a bag on line if it is not being sold on E Luxury or authorized websites then it is a fake, they are the only on line authorized seller.

Finally when making your purchase if a bag seems to be too cheap, it probably is a fake. Louis Vuitton always maintains their price points.

