
Site Reference Internet Marketing Articles-12

Site Reference Internet Marketing Articles-12

Branding! Branding! Branding! Everyone uses the word, but they rarely tell you what makes up a good brand and what covers. Silly really, when you can design one or know if you have a good one without knowing what they consist of. So let do that, shall we? Let's see what kind of list we can put together.
A strong brand has Logo
But not just any logo. A strong brand has a logo that memorable, noticeable, and says something about the company and what important to it. This appears on the website and anything else it fits on. Like the coat of arms or wax seal of royalty, the logo becomes a seal of approval and ownership.
A Tagline
That catchy, memorable bit of text that says what your company stands for. It's almost like the summary of a strong brand and the text version of a logo. In fact, when it incorporated into a company in just the right way, customers can recall it just as easily, if not more easily than the logo itself.
A Design
A company can go through several stationary or website designs. Even brick and mortar stores can have several design changes, but regardless of what type of design it is or where it found, the feeling, traits, and images it provokes are the brand.
A Font
Users assess it subconsciously, business owners often brush it off, and typographers are obsessed with it. The fonts used on letters, advertising, and websites may not seem that important at first glance, but they can have a profound effect on the perception of a company. It yet another important ingredient of a strong brand
What a company says can become a vital ingredient in a strong brand, but don think it ends there. The tone and style of that content can become even more important. Fun, light-hearted, and creative text hardly conjures images of the tax department or an academic school. On the opposite end of the scale, stiff, dry, formal content hardly makes a company feel approachable or seem easy to connect with.
A Marketing Style
How a company chooses to market itself greatly determines how customers see it. I don think there's any greater example out there of this than those budget car dealer commercials. If a bank, bar, or luxury hotel did that, consumers would run the other direction! Plain, boring, uninspired text ads wouldn inspire consumers to buy if they were for a graphic design company either.
A Customer Service Style
How a company provides its customer service is often not thought of when it comes to brand strategies, but it's another ingredient consumers remember most. Is it cold, disconnected, and formal? Is it precise and do customer service representatives demonstrate an eye for detail, putting the customer first? Is the process fun, light, and creative?
An External Image
Social media presence, search results, reviews, and public interactions all play a part in determining a company brand. The traits expressed in these situations can quickly and easily overshadow all of the other branding designed by the company, particularly if the two differ.
What other ingredients go into a strong brand?
I don think that brand names are old fashioned.
I consider that my companies brand name (apart from the SEO that I have done) is my best selling piont, First get the clients to the page (SEO) secondly make sure that the brand name fits what you are selling. I sell rustic, rural and coastal properties in Galicia Spain so the brand name is Galician Country Homes something that sounds nice and fits in with what the client expects to find on my site. I don think it would work as well if it said Fred Bloggs housing company
Natalija>> I have to disagree. Your brand and reputation go hand in hand, and start the moment you present yourself to the public. However, you are right in that it can take years to become easily recognized and stand out within an industry.
Andy>> I don agree with you either. I only have to see an apple symbol to think of its products and reputation. Look at all the spoof logo tshirts and graphics out there? Whether it a personal brand or corporate one, it works.
Nepal>> Yes, the customer wants and needs should be your number one priority, but your brand is how they associate something with your business and the products/services you provide and the reputation you carry.
Mark>> I think that neat! Thanks for your input. Interestingly, brand searches for my company are the most popular and have the highest conversion rates. Even with SEO and the terms I rank for, I much rather have brand searches
Leadership>> I really think that plays an important role in its reputation rather than its brand, but in certain circumstances, I think you may be right.

