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LV M93157 Fumee, louis vuitton 2011, replica designer handbags The most noticeable mark about this brand is its monogram that's been copied by all kinds of other fashion houses. For a lot of women, the Marbella sandal in patent leather can be a sexy and stylish choice. It is in homage on the retro designs of old decades, but is also ideal for summer wear. The golden stiletto carries a beautiful monogram flower as a sign of luxury. There is an inner platform as well as a padded in sock for added comfort. The lovely ballerina in Monogram canvas is a good way to show off your trend. It is also done in the patent calf leather toned, but is made in the stylish ballet pump style. Cube accessories provide a sexy accent. The elastic sides create them easy to put on and provide comfortably snug fit. The most striking feature is it's special supple and lightweight construction, giving you a snug fit all day. There are also very stylish ankle boots and monogram boots and sneakers for this season's selection. Stylish sandals have been introduced we could the best in comfort and style. Especially with Asia, the luxurious products of Europe suddenly become one component of cool culture of young people. Takashi Murakami's artworks have deep Japanese manga comics which have unique style, such since flatting characters, plants and flowers in the context of fashionable culture; they could be especially preferred young people. Based about this background, we could think of the special image of Louis Vuitton Murakami. World-renowned fashion designer Marc Jacob likes dipping into different kinds of newspaper and magazines, when he knew the name of Takashi Murakami; he started to look closely at his works. On the wall of his home, where hanged a substantial works of Murakami, Marc John said his picture written an atmosphere of anticipation, every day you seen it, you would develop into optimist. Eventually, he asked Murakami to pay in Paris, told him to swap the history of LV, in order to develop a bran-new trend, especially the monogram pattern. Because Louis Vuitton bags are the main selling products, it's very important to form different and fresh image of LV carriers for Marc. After several researches and intense discussions by emails, Louis Vuitton Murakami selection appeared. Murakami decided to provide flower patterns to the first monogrammed patterns; the flower core can be an innocent smile just like children's; when he transmitted the whole concept to Marc, Marc had been very excited and entirely agreed with him. Louis Vuitton selection features the multicolor signs, mainly includes the white-colored and black background, the utilization of colors is the principal characteristics of his will work, he changed the conventional monogrammed pattern into 33 different types of color, which were brightened by the white and black qualifications, and maybe this could be the huge contribution what he had done in the effective field. With 1998, Louis Vuitton asked the American designer MarcJacobs to join the design of Vernis selection. Then, LV started to design clothing series and some other fashion fields. Louis Vuitton is not just passing fashion brand.