
and it can take until the toddler years for some allergies to develop. Still

Anaphylactic shock

Anaphylactic shock Reviewed by the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board En espa /> Highlights What is anaphylactic shock? What substances are most likely to cause a severe reaction? What should I do if my baby seems to be having a severe allergic reaction? What can I do to protect my baby from anaphylactic shock? What is anaphylactic shock?Anaphylactic shock (also called anaphylaxis) is a rapid and severe allergic reaction, and one of the scariest health emergencies a parent can face. It starts when the immune system mistakenly responds to a harmless substance as if it were a serious threat. In general, it takes more than one exposure to an allergen for a reaction to occur, and it can take until the toddler years for some allergies to develop. Still, anaphylaxis has been reported in babies as young as 1 month old and in children with no known previous exposure to the allergen. What substances are most likely to cause a severe reaction?There are many possible allergens, but these are the most common:Peanuts, tree nuts (such as walnuts and cashews), shellfish (like shrimp and lobster), fish, milk, and eggs are the most common culprits, although any food can cause a severe allergic reaction. (A great deal of research is being done on whether delaying the introduction of potentially allergenic foods will delay the onset of allergies in allergy-prone children. If food allergies run in your family, your child may be more susceptible.)Drugs in the penicillin family (including the popular antibiotic amoxicillin)Insect bites and stings (especially from bumblebees, honeybees, yellow jackets, hornets, wasps, fire ants, and harvester ants)Latex (often used in healthcare facilities)Food preservatives and colorings (like FDC yellow No. 5) 1 2 Previous Next Show All
We found out that my son was allergic to nuts by the age of 6 months. His reaction was caused by a minut amount of peanut butter. It was the scariest moment in my life. He first broke out in hives which followed by swollen face and neck, his hands and feet where also swollen and blue. Thankfully he had no trouble breathing. I gave him benadryl and rushed him to the ER. When we arrived they gave him steroids and my son soon showed signs of improvement. We followed up with our pediatrician and had blood work done which showed peanut reaction off the charts (along with wheat, eggs, and soy) We now carry an epi Jr pen everywhere we go. I then stopped breastfeeding because he would breakout. Before we knew that he was allergic to foods his breakouts were diagnosed as eczema.
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